Sunday, March 22, 2015

Keeping an English Journal

A great way to learn and improve your skills in English is to keep an English journal.  This can be any notebook.  In it, you should try to only write in English.  Write a little bit about your day every day and about your thoughts on your skills in English.  Create goals for yourself.  Writing your thoughts in the language you are learning is a wonderful way in which you can improve your skills.

Examples of things that you can write about in your English Journal include:

  • What did you do today?
  • What new words have you learned? (use those words in your writing).
  • What are you thinking about?
  • What is the best thing that happened today?
  • What are you some places you would like to go?
  • What are your goals and dreams?
  • What do you want to improve in life?
We will be using the idea of the English Journal in our Friday Night Club.  We will give you ideas on things that you can write about.  This is an optional activity, but it is one that you may find helps you a lot.

To improve your language skills, try to write at least a small entry once a day in your journal.  It can be anything from a couple of sentences to as much as you want to say.  The more you do this, the more you will see your skills getting better.  Writing is a very important skill to have and it is a valuable skill as well.

So, if you get a chance, find a journal, or even staple together a few pieces of paper, and begin writing your thoughts in English.

We will be posting information about the topics that we talk about at Friday Night Club before each class.  We will have some things that you can write about on the website here.  Feel free to write your ideas down and share them in class. 

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