Thursday, July 23, 2015


We can't go through life without it, even though it is one of the most difficult things in life.  We are often told to trust others or authority.  When we are young, we trust our parents.  Not all parents are good parents though.  Others are good enough, but make mistakes.  Yet, we put our trust into them as we begin our lives.

Later in life we trust our teachers and those who educate us.  We trust that they know what they are talking about when we learn about math, science, history, and health.  We begin at a young age trusting people in authority.  We trust what we see on television and what we read.  Yet, there is a point in life, as we get older, where we start to question things.  Were our parents wrong?  The media is not always correct.   History books are often filled with ideas that are not always 100% true.  Therefore, we become skeptical as we grow older, searching for things that we can trust.

Yet, trust is important.  We have to trust in certain things or we would not survive.  We have to trust that the foods we eat will not poison us.  We have to trust that medicine will cure us or help us.  When we get sick or get hurt, we have to put trust in doctors and remedies.  When we get in a car, bus or train with someone else, we have to trust the driver or the creators of the machine.  We have to trust the pilot and the mechanics and inspectors that overlooked the plane before take off.  We have to trust that the parts are in perfect working order.  When we go somewhere, we trust it is safe.  Almost everything we do is based on trust.  
It is very important to know what we can trust.  Those who trust something incorrectly sometimes do not survive their misjudgment.  When we make a wrong decision, it can hurt us financially, physically, or even mentally.  Sometimes we regret our choice and wished that we never trusted in something, and if we had not, we would have been better off.

Many people put their trust in the larger universe in some theory.  Some believe that science has all the answers, others believe that there is some kind of creator.  There are many religions that all claim that there is one (or many) being(s) that is/are in control.  Mohammed, Buddha, Jesus and others are all beings that people have put their trust into.

Having spent time studying various religions, I have come to the conclusion that the Bible is the one thing that we can trust.  Yet, while the Bible is a very popular book, few people really have read the Bible and less people still really study it.  Yet, the Bible is a very trustworthy book.

For example:


The Bible accurately predicted the rise of kingdoms and world events that took place after it was written.  Take a look:

1.  The Bible stated that four world empires would arise: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome Daniel chapters 2, 7, 8.

2.  Cyrus was to be the warrior to capture Babylon Isaiah 45:1-3.

3.  After Babylon's destruction, it would never be inhabited again:  Isaiah 13:19, 20 Jeremiah 51:37.

4.  Egypt would never again have a commanding position among the nations Ezekiel 29:14, 15 30:12, 13.

5.  The Bible also mentions Earth-shaking calamities and fear toward the end of time Luke 21:25, 26.

6.  The Bible talks about moral degeneracy and decline of spirituality in the last days 2 Timothy 3:1-5.


The Bible has made scientific claims that were proven far later. Many of these claims were not even considered at the time the Bible was written.

1.  "He . . . hangeth the earth upon nothing." Job 26:7. This scientific fact is from Job, the Bible's oldest book.  (This point refers to the earth "floating in space")

2.  "He . . . sitteth upon the circle of the earth." Isaiah 40:22. The Bible said the earth is round centuries before man found out.

3.  "To make the weight for the winds." Job 28:25. Long before scientists knew, God said air has weight.

4.  "By Him [Jesus] all things consist." Colossians 1:17. The word "consist" here literally means "hold together" or "cohere." Many Bible translations put it "hold together." This is the answer to the nuclear physicists' worrisome question about the atom. The real mystery of the atom does not involve its benumbing mega-power, but rather, "Why doesn't the atom fly apart?" Scientific knowledge says it should, but it doesn't. Some scientists are wondering what puzzling power, completely unknown to them, is holding it together. The Bible says that mysterious power is the Creator, God Himself.


Biblical claims regarding health were found to be true. Take a look:

1.  Cover body waste with dirt:  Deuteronomy 23:12, 13.
The Bible provision of Moses' day that body waste should be buried was 3,500 years ahead of its time and saved countless thousands of Jewish lives. Major problems still arise when sanitation is not properly handled.

2.  "Neither let us commit fornication." 1 Corinthians 10:8.
The word "fornication" denotes all kinds of immoral sexual conduct. There would be no AIDS epidemic if this up-to-date Bible counsel were obeyed, nor would abortion be the international scandal that it now is.

3.  Leave alcoholic beverages alone Proverbs 23:29-32.
If this extremely effective Bible solution were implemented, just think what it would mean:
Millions of alcoholics becoming sober, respectable citizens.  Millions of families reunited.  Millions of broken homes mended.  Multiplied thousands of lives saved by sober driving.  Thousands of government, business, and professional leaders making clear-minded decisions.  Billions of dollars available for humanitarian use.


The places and events described in the Bible were rejected for centuries, yet many of the things that the Bible discusses have been proven to have actually existed.

1.  Sodom and Ninevah, cities that had disappeared, were found:

For years skeptics said the Bible was unreliable because it mentions the Hittite nation Deuteronomy 7:1 and cities like Nineveh Jonah 1:1, 2 and Sodom Genesis 19:1, which they denied ever existed. But now modern archaeology has confirmed that all three did, indeed, exist.

2.  Belshazzar and Sargon existed:

Critics also said that Bible-mentioned kings Belshazzar Daniel 5:1and Sargon Isaiah 20:1 never existed. Once again, it has now been confirmed they did exist.

3.  Writing and wheeled chariots did exist in Moses' time:
Skeptics also said the Bible record of Moses was not reliable because it mentions writing Exodus 24:4 and wheeled vehicles Exodus 14:25, neither of which they said existed at the time. They, of course, know better today.

4.  Thirty Nine Kings of Ancient Israel and Judah:

At one time the 39 kings of ancient Israel and Judah who reigned during the divided kingdom were authenticated only from the Bible record, so critics charged fabrication. But then archaeologists found cuneiform records that mentioned many of these kings and, once again, the Bible record was proved accurate. Critics have repeatedly been proved wrong as new discoveries confirm biblical people, places, and events. It will always be so.


The Bible itself is a miracle. No other book comes close:

There are 66 books in the bible.  They were written:

1.  On three continents.
2.  In three languages.
3.  By about 40 different people kings, shepherds, scientists, attorneys, an army general, fishermen, priests, and a physician.
4.  Over a period of about 1,500 years.
5.  On the most controversial subjects.
6.  By people who, in most cases, had never met.
7.  By authors whose education and background varied greatly.

Yet, though it seems totally inconceivable,
The 66 books maintain harmony with each other.
Often new concepts on a subject are expressed, but these concepts do not undermine what other Bible writers say on the same subject.


If you can trust in any book, the Bible should be the book that you trust.  Yet, trusting and understanding the Bible are two different things.  The Bible is filled with knowledge that still applies today.  Many have not shown that they trust the Bible and instead turn to other books and sources for knowledge.  Yet, many internet sites and videos are found not to be trustworthy or are later found as false.  Many books written on science have later on been corrected and found to be complete rubbish.  Ideas in medicine have come and gone, yet the Biblical aspects of medicine and what foods are healthiest is considered correct knowledge by doctors and scientists today.


If you can trust in the Bible, you can trust in Jesus, who came to "forgive man for his sins."  The Bible is correct on all things, including the fact that Jesus healed the sick, brought people from the dead, and He, Himself, rose from the dead.  People were willing to die for their faith, even one time skeptics.  I, myself, have put my trust in many things in life, and many of those things I deeply regret, but in all my life, I have never once regretted trusting God's word.

Print: "Is there anything left we can trust?" -

English Journal
Who do you trust?
Who has broken your trust?
What are some good ways to build and repair trust?
What questions do you have about being able to trust the Bible as God's word?

Thursday, July 16, 2015


How did you learn and become the person that you are today? Chances are, you went to school. First with Elementary, then secondary, and then on to a form of higher education such as a university. But is that the only way? And is that the best way?

Education is a big topic that we will be discussing this Friday night. We will talk about the structure in America and Ukraine, as well as competing views on it. I (Beverly) was trained as an elementary school teacher in New York City and currently teach English with the ELC in Kiev. I have experienced many different forms of learning including formal (regular) education, homeschooling, a bit of "unschooling," and alternative/contract school (a mix of homeschool and regular school). I changed my major a few times in college and so have a wide variety of subjects that I have studied. Josh, (who will hopefully be joining us), has taken the normal route in education: traditional school, university, and finally law school. He also has a lot to say on his view of education. 

Why is education important? We all learn, so why does it matter how we learn or what we learn? It's important because it shapes our characters and makes us who we are. Whenever teachers get together to decide what they will be teaching their students, they ask themselves, "What do they need to know?" and "What books will we use to teach them?" This can be a very big task for them, because there is so much information in the world. As well as so many books and textbooks. How do we know what knowledge we should be learning? Proverbs 20:15 tells us that we can find gold and even many rubies, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel. In other words, it is hard to find.

We were created in God's image, but since humans sinned and turned away from God, we can no longer directly commune (talk) with Him to learn how we should be. But the Bible and nature reveal (teach) Him to us.

"To restore in man the image of his maker [God], to bring him back to the perfection in which he was created, to promote the development of body, mind, and soul, that the divine purpose in his creation might be realized - this was to be the work of redemption [Jesus coming to Earth to die for us and pa our penalty for sin]. This is the object [goal] of education, the great object of life...Love, the basis [foundation] of creation and redemption, is the basis of true education." (Ellen G. White - "Education")

English Journal

What was your education like?
If you could, what would you change about your education?
Do you think that education is good in Ukraine?


Education- By Ellen G. White -

How Evolution Flunked the Science Test - by Joe Crews -

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Independence Day - Happy 4th of July!

Even though Independence Day wasn’t celebrated in America until after the War of 1812, it is still the single most important holiday in American history.  On July 4th, 1776, the United States claimed their Independence from England.  Foreign laws and powers would govern America no longer! The countries first great leaders established their own Democracy, a government by the people for the people.  The concept of social equality and individual rights was in place.  Once this happened, it didn’t take long for the rest of the world to take notice and soon stories of the ‘American Dream’ were spread across foreign lands (the rest of the world). 

It was said that America held true promise for those intent on creating their own destiny and carving a place for their fortunes.  Upon entering American waters, travelers on oversized ships would lay eyes on the Statue of Liberty… a long time symbol of freedom and gift from the country of France.  They would then take the ferry to Ellis Island where they would begin the long, grueling process of getting entry into the states.  From photographs of this time period we can see many people from many diverse cultures, each vying for a new life.

The document that gave immigrants these rights after gaining access to the Unites States was the Declaration of Independence.  This Government declaration was made to insure and secure rights of each person to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  It also gave American citizens the right to change or abolish their government and replace it, if it become destructive, with one that insures their safety and happiness.  What this document was to the rights of the American people, so was the Constitution to the legal framework of the United States.  Established on September 17th, 1787, the Constitution established justice, insured domestic tranquility, provided for the common defense, promoted general welfare, and secured the Blessings of Liberty to everyone and their future generations.  These two documents together were the foundation of our nation.

We feel that it’s important to learn the history of our country.  We must not forget the hardships those who came before us experienced in order to gain the freedoms we sometimes take for granted.  Let's raise a flag, have a picnic, gather with friends and family, and when we hear the sound of fireworks as they light up the 4th of July night sky… we will remember that our happiness today is because of the men and women who were willing to give their lives in order for us to be free.

(Adapted from: Teacher Planet)

Long before there was a place called America, there was a garden called Eden. In this garden lived the first man and the first woman: Adam and Eve. They had very happy lives and freedom to do what they chose. There was only one rule: don't eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This tree was allowed to be in the garden to test their devotion to God, so that they could show that they chose to follow God and not Satan. However, Satan convinced Eve that her freedom was not being respected and she ate from the tree. Adam ate as well. When they did this, they were actually giving a big part of their freedom to Satan. They had now sinned against God and could no longer live in perfect Eden. But God provided a way to set them free. He came in the form of a human, many years later, and gave his life to break the chains of sin.

The Declaration of Independence brought America the freedom that it was seeking to be it's own country. They felt that they were not receiving the rights that they deserved, from England, to live happy lives. As people, we also need freedom. In this case it is freedom from a life that is a type of slavery to sin. Jesus can set us free from this to live happy and satisfied lives: lives that have real meaning and a real hope for something at the end. While governments can try to help us to have happy lives, God can also provide happiness in the life to come. When we accept Jesus' sacrifice of His life in place of ours, we are given the gift of eternal life. Talk about freedom! We are no longer slaves to eternal death. We have a promise of something bigger and greater than this life. 

Maybe you feel like you are a slave to sin. There are things in your life that keep you from God: alcohol, drugs, unhealthy relationships, or bad things that you do, even if you don't want to. The good news is that Jesus is the Declaration of Independence for all people! Because He paid our price for sin, we can accept this gift and be free from sin. He can help us to overcome any bad things in our life and live good, happy lives; here and in the one to come. 

Vocabulary words:

Claimed - (Past tense of claim) formally request or demand; say that one owns or has earned (something).

Foreign - of, from, in, or characteristic of a country or language other than one's own.

Govern - conduct the policy, actions, and affairs of (a state, organization, or people) with authority.

Intent - determined to do (something).

Destiny - the hidden power believed to control future events; fate.

Oversized - bigger than the usual size.

Grueling - extremely tiring and demanding.

Vying - (present particle of vie) compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something.

Insure - secure or protect someone against (a possible contingency).

Secure - succeed in obtaining (something), especially with difficulty.

Pursuit of happiness - a fundamental right mentioned in the Declaration of Independence to freely pursue joy and live life in a way that makes you happy, as long as you don't do anything illegal or violate the rights of others.

Abolished - formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution).

Destructive - causing great and irreparable damage.

Established - set up on a firm or permanent basis.

Foundation - an underlying basis or principle.

Sin - an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.

Eternal - lasting or existing forever; without end.

English Journal

What do you feel like you need independence from?
What makes your life happy?
What freedoms do you enjoy everyday?


English Resources: